Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 113

Challenge 1:

Represent Integer

You are given a positive integer $N and a digit $D.

Write a script to check if $N can be represented as a sum of positive integers having $D at least once. If check passes print 1 otherwise 0.

Input: $N = 25, $D = 7
Output: 0 as there are 2 numbers between 1 and 25 having the digit 7 i.e. 7 and 17. If we add up both we don't get 25.

Input: $N = 24, $D = 7
Output: 1

In Raku this can be solved as a one-liner.

my ($N, $D) = @*ARGS; say ([+] (1 .. $N ).grep({ /$D/ })) == $N ?? 1 !! 0;

(Full code on Github.)

We .grep() through all the numbers from 1 to $N to find ones that contain $D. These are all added together using the [+] hyper operator and if the result is equal to $N, 1 is printed otherwise 0 is.

Perl requires a bit more code to get around the lack of [+].

my $total = 0;
for my $i (grep { /$D/ } (1 .. $N)) {
    $total += $i;

say 0 + ($total == $N) ? '1' : '0';

(Full code on Github.)

0 + in the last line is to prevent a warning from say().

Challenge 2:

Recreate Binary Tree

You are given a Binary Tree.

Write a script to replace each node of the tree with the sum of all the remaining nodes.

Input Binary Tree

     / \
    2   3
   /   / \
  4   5   6

Output Binary Tree

    /  \
   26  25
  /   /  \
24  23   22

I chose to hard code the example binary tree in my script.

In Raku I represented each node in the tree like this:

class Node {
    has Node $.parent;
    has Node $.left is rw;
    has Node $.right is rw;
    has Int  $.value  is rw;

The structure of the tree was built up like this:

my Node $root = => Nil, value => 1);
$root.left = => $root, value => 2);
$root.right = => $root, value => 3);
$root.left.left = => $root.left, value => 4);
$root.right.left = => $root.right, value => 5);
$root.right.right = => $root.right, value => 6);
$root.left.left.right = => $root.left.left, value => 7);

The next step is to find the sum of the values of all the nodes in the tree. I did this by recursively traversing the tree starting from $root with this function:

sub totalFrom(
    Node $node
) {
    my $sum = $node.value;

    if $node.left {
        $sum += totalFrom($node.left);

    if $node.right {
        $sum += totalFrom($node.right);

    return $sum;

my $total = totalFrom($root);

For the example tree, $total = 28.

Then I traversed the tree yet again, this time setting .value to $total - the current .value in this function:

sub replaceFrom(
    Node $node,
    Int $total
) {
    $node.value = $total - $node.value;

    if $node.left {
        replaceFrom($node.left, $total);

    if $node.right {
        replaceFrom($node.right, $total);

replaceFrom($root, $total);

All that remains is to print out the tree to demonstrate that it has been successfully recreated. This is acheived by once again doing a depth-first traversal of the tree. Unfortunately I didn't have time to make a pretty picture of a tree but this function does accurately display the results.

sub output(
    Node $node,
    Bool $left = False
) {
    if $node.parent {
        say (($left) ?? 'left' !! 'right'), " child of {$node.parent.value} = {$node.value}";
    } else {
        say "root = {$node.value}"

    if $node.left {
        output($node.left, True);

    if $node.right {


(Full code on Github.)

For Perl I used the [Moo]( module rather than Perls' builtin OOP facilities. So my Node class looks like this:

package Node {
    use Moo;
    use namespace::autoclean;

    has parent => (
        is => 'ro',
        isa => sub { return ref eq 'Node' || undef; },

    has left => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => sub { return ref eq 'Node'; },

    has right => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => sub { return ref eq 'Node'; },

    has value => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => sub { return ref eq 'Node'; },

The tree is built up like this:

my $root = Node->new(parent => undef, value => 1);
$root->left(Node->new(parent => $root, value => 2));
$root->right(Node->new(parent => $root, value => 3));
$root->left->left(Node->new(parent => $root->left, value => 4));
$root->right->left(Node->new(parent => $root->right, value => 5));
$root->right->right(Node->new(parent => $root->right, value => 6));
$root->left->left->right(Node->new(parent => $root->left->left, value => 7));

And the three traversal functions look like this:

sub totalFrom {
    my ($node) = @_;
    my $sum = $node->value;

    if (defined $node->left) {
        $sum += totalFrom($node->left);

    if (defined $node->right) {
        $sum += totalFrom($node->right);

    return $sum;

sub replaceFrom {
    my ($node, $total) = @_;

    $node->value($total - $node->value);

    if (defined $node->left) {
        replaceFrom($node->left, $total);

    if (defined $node->right) {
        replaceFrom($node->right, $total);

sub output {
    my ($node, $left) = @_;

    if (defined $node->parent) {
        say q{}, ((defined $left) ? 'left' : 'right'), ' child of ', $node->parent->value, ' = ', $node->value;
    } else {
        say 'root = ', $node->value;

    if (defined $node->left) {
        output($node->left, 1);

    if (defined $node->right) {

(Full code on Github.)