Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 104

Challenge 1:

FUSC Sequence

Write a script to generate first 50 members of FUSC Sequence. Please refer to OEIS for more information._

The sequence defined as below:

fusc(0) = 0
fusc(1) = 1
for n > 1:
when n is even: fusc(n) = fusc(n / 2),
when n is odd: fusc(n) = fusc((n-1)/2) + fusc((n+1)/2)

This is a situation where Rakus multimethods are very useful. We can treat each case of the sequence as a separate function which makes the code much more expressive and easy to understand.

multi sub fusc(
    Int $n where { $n == 0 }
) {
    return 0;

multi sub fusc(
    Int $n where { $n == 1 }
) {
    return 1;

multi sub fusc(
    Int $n where { ($n > 1) && ($n % 2 == 0); }
) {
    return fusc($n div 2);

multi sub fusc(
    Int $n where { ($n > 1) && ($n % 2 == 1); }
) {
    return fusc(($n - 1) div 2) + fusc(($n + 1) div 2);

sub MAIN () {
    for ^50 -> $n {
        print fusc($n), ' ';

    print "\n";

(Full code on Github.)

Not that the Perl version shown below is so bad but it's a little harder to read IMO.

sub fusc {
    my ($n) = @_;

    if ($n < 2) {
        return $n;

    if ($n % 2 == 0) {
        return fusc($n / 2);
    } else {
        return fusc(($n - 1) / 2) + fusc(($n + 1) / 2);

for my $n (0 .. 49) {
    print fusc($n), ' ';
print "\n";

(Full code on Github.)

Other than those minor inconveniences, the Perl version follows the same pattern as the Raku version.

Challenge 2:

NIM Game

Write a script to simulate the NIM Game.

It is played between 2 players. For the purpose of this task, let assume you play against the machine.

There are 3 simple rules to follow:

a) You have 12 tokens
b) Each player can pick 1, 2 or 3 tokens at a time
c) The player who picks the last token wins the game

With only three rules, NIM is a very easy game to program. This time I'll start with the Perl version.

my $tokens = 12;

Rule a is implemented in 1 line.

while ($tokens) {

Now we have to alternate between the player and computer until all the tokens have been picked.
This is done with a while loop.

    say "There are $tokens ", plural("token", $tokens), ".";

I start each turn by printing how many tokens are left. A pet peeve of mine is incorrect pluralization i.e. "1 tokens". So I have a little function that does the right thing which looks like this:

sub plural {
    my ($word, $count) = @_;
    return $word . ($count == 1 ? q{} : 's');

...back to the game:

    my $playerChoice = 0;

    while (1) {
        print "How many tokens will you pick [1, 2 or 3]?";
        my $answer = <>;
        if ($answer =~ /\A \s* (1|2|3) \s* \z/msx) {
            $playerChoice = $1;

I prompt the player for how many tokens they want to pick. The only valid choices are 1, 2 or 3 so I have to validate their response to allow only those values.

    $tokens -= $playerChoice;
    if ($tokens < 1) {
        say "You win!";

If they made a valid move, that number of tokens are subtracted from the total. As per rule 3, If there are none left the player has won.

    my $computerChoice = 4 - $playerChoice;
    say "The computer picks $computerChoice ", plural("token", $computerChoice);
    $tokens -= $computerChoice;

    if ($tokens < 1) {
        say "The computer wins.";

Now for the computer. An interesting fact I learned when researching this game on the web is that player 2 can guarantee a win every time by picking 4 - the number of tokens picked by player 1. So my code does just that. If there are no tokens left at this point, the computer has won.


(Full code on Github.)

This is the Raku version.

sub plural(Str $word, Int $count) {
    return $word ~ ($count == 1 ?? q{} !! 's');

sub MAIN () {
    my $tokens = 12;

    while ($tokens) {
        say "There are $tokens ", plural("token", $tokens), ".";
        my $playerChoice = 0;

        loop {
            my $answer = prompt("How many tokens will you pick [1, 2 or 3]?");
            if $answer ~~ /^ \s* (1|2|3) \s* $/ {
                $playerChoice = $0;

The only features really worthy of note are the prompt() function which takes some of the grunt work out of displaying a message and getting a line of input. Also regexp capture variables start from $0 not $1 as in Perl. That tripped me up for a minute.

        $tokens -= $playerChoice;
        if $tokens < 1 {
            say "You win!";

        my $computerChoice = 4 - $playerChoice;
        say "The computer picks $computerChoice ",
            plural("token", $computerChoice);
        $tokens -= $computerChoice;

        if ($tokens < 1) {
            say "The computer wins.";

(Full code on Github.)