Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 87

Challenge 1:

Longest Consecutive Sequence

You are given an unsorted array of integers @N.

Write a script to find the longest consecutive sequence. Print 0 if none sequence found.

Example 1:
Input: @N = (100, 4, 50, 3, 2)
Output: (2, 3, 4)
Example 2:
Input: @N = (20, 30, 10, 40, 50)
Output: 0
Example 3:
Input: @N = (20, 19, 9, 11, 10)
Output: (9, 10, 11)

This is my Perl solution.

First the input (which I get from the command line) has to be sorted. It irks me that Perl can't automatically sort lists of numbers without $a <=> $b. It trips me up every time. Perl does all kinds of other things automagically so I don't know why it can't do this especially as Raku manages it. Oh well.

my @N = sort { $a <=> $b } @ARGV;

I set up two arrays, @sequence which contains the current sequence (initially seeded with the first element of @N) and @longest which is initially empty but will keep the longest sequence found so far.

my @sequence = ( $N[0] );
my @longest;

Now we can just traverse @N starting from the second element and compare it to the previous element. If it is 1 greater, it can be added to the running @sequence. If @sequence is longer than @longest, it becomes @longest.

But if the current element is greater than one more than the previous element, @sequence has to be restarted with the current element.

for my $i (1 .. scalar @N - 1) {
    if ($N[$i] == $N[$i - 1] + 1) {
        push @sequence, $N[$i];

        if (scalar @sequence > scalar @longest) {
            @longest = @sequence;

    } else {
        @sequence = ( $N[$i] );

By the end either we have a longest sequence which we can print (I've also chosen to add () around it) or @sequence is empty and we print 0.

say scalar @longest ? (q{(} . (join q{, }, @longest) . q{)}) : 0;

(Full code on Github.)

This is the Raku version. It's just a straightforward port so there isn't more to say.

sub MAIN(*@N) {
    my @n = @N.sort;
    my @sequence = ( @n[0] );
    my @longest;

    for 1 ..^ @n.elems  -> $i {
        if @n[$i] == @n[$i - 1] + 1 {

            if @sequence.elems > @longest.elems {
                @longest = @sequence;

        } else {
            @sequence = ( @n[$i] );

    say @longest.elems ?? (q{(} ~ @longest.join(q{, }) ~ q{)}) !! 0;

(Full code on Github.)

Challenge 2:

Largest Rectangle

You are given matrix m x n with 0 and 1.

Write a script to find the largest rectangle containing only 1. Print 0 if none found.

Example 1:
    [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 ]
    [ 1 1 1 0 0 0 ]
    [ 0 0 1 0 0 1 ]
    [ 1 1 1 1 1 0 ]
    [ 1 1 1 1 1 0 ]

    [ 1 1 1 1 1 ]
    [ 1 1 1 1 1 ]
Example 2:
    [ 1 0 1 0 1 0 ]
    [ 0 1 0 1 0 1 ]
    [ 1 0 1 0 1 0 ]
    [ 0 1 0 1 0 1 ]

Output: 0
Example 3:
    [ 0 0 0 1 1 1 ]
    [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ]
    [ 0 0 1 0 0 1 ]
    [ 0 0 1 1 1 1 ]
    [ 0 0 1 1 1 1 ]

    [ 1 1 1 1 ]
    [ 1 1 1 1 ]

My first impression was that this problem is quite similar to challenge 2 in week 84 and I hoped I would be able to reuse that code but in fact I had to modify it quite a bit because in that challenge we only needed to find the four corners of a rectangle whereas we need to know the value of all its internal points too. I'll show you my Raku solution first.

sub MAIN(
    Str $file #= a file describing a matrix of 1's and 0's where every line
              #= is a row in the matrix.
) {

The matrix is read from a file and a regular expression is used to extract the 1's and 0's into a 2d array.

    my @matrix;
    for $file.IO.lines -> $line {
        @matrix.push($line.match(/ (0|1) /, :g));

Two variables are set up to store the largest rectangle found so far. Only it's height and width need to be stored.

    my $maxheight = 0;
    my $maxwidth = 0;

Now we go through @matrix row by row and column by column.

    for 0 ..^ @matrix.elems -> $m {
        for 0 ..^ @matrix[$m].elems -> $n {

If a 1 is found, it is a potential rectangle. So we make some variables to record its origin (the upper left corner) and its height and width.

            if @matrix[$m][$n] == 1 {
                my $row = $m;
                my $col = $n;
                my $left = $n;
                my $height = 0;
                my $width = 0;

We then see how many consecutive 1's there are on that row.

                while $col < @matrix[$row].elems && @matrix[$row][$col] == 1 {

Then we see how many rows there are with the same number of 1's in the same position. Note the use of .all() and an array slice to represent a row of the rectangle.

                while $row < @matrix.elems && @matrix[$row][$left ..^ $left + $width].all == 1 {

This gives us a rectangle. We compare the area of this rectangle to the area of the previous largest rectangle if any. If the current rectangle is larger, it becomes the new largest rectangle.

                if $height * $width > $maxheight * $maxwidth {
                    $maxheight = $height;
                    $maxwidth = $width;

When @matrix has been fully searched, we will know the size of the largest rectangle. Apparently according to the examples given with the spec, 1x1 rectangles (i.e. single 1 values) don't count for this challenge so we check if the area of the largest rectangle is 2 or more. If it is, we print out a rectangle of 1s of similar size otherwise we print 0.

    if $maxheight * $maxwidth < 2 {
        say '0';
    } else {
        for 0 ..^ $maxheight {
            say q{[ }, "1 " x $maxwidth, q{]};

(Full code on Github.)

The only big difference in the Perl code is that there is no .all() method so I wrote a quick subroutine to mimic it. In retrospect, using grep() instead of a for loop would have been more concise.

sub all {
    my @array = @_;

    for (@array) {
        if ($_ != 1) {
            return undef;

    return 1;

The rest is pretty much the same as Raku so I have not bothered reproducing it here.

(Full code on Github.)