Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 22

Challenge 1:

Write a script to print first 10 Sexy Prime Pairs. Sexy primes are prime numbers that differ from each other by 6. For example, the numbers 5 and 11 are both sexy primes, because 11 - 5 = 6. The term “sexy prime” is a pun stemming from the Latin word for six: sex. For more information, please checkout wiki page.

To solve this problem in Perl5, I once again trotted out the isPrime() function I originally wrote for week 12. I also reused the nextPrime() function from week 15.

my @sexyPrimes;

while (scalar @sexyPrimes < 10) {
    my $p = nextPrime();
    if (isPrime($p + 6)) {
        push @sexyPrimes, [$p, $p + 6];

for my $sp (@sexyPrimes) {
    say "$sp->[0], $sp->[1]";

(Full code on Github.)

All I'm doing is going through the sequence of prime numbers and adding 6. If that number is also prime, we have a sexy prime pair.

Feeling the need for a bit more of a challenge I decided to see if I could do the Perl6 version as a one liner and I came up with this:

perl6 -e '(1..∞).grep({.is-prime}).map({($_,$_+6) if ($_+6).is-prime})[^10].map({.join(q{, }).say});'

(Full code on Github.)

Challenge 2:

Write a script to implement Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm. The script should have method to encode/decode algorithm. The wiki page explains the compression algorithm very nicely.

It turned out implementing this algorithm was less daunting than it initially appeared. Apart from Wikipedia I found this page to be helpful.

This is the Perl5 code:

sub init_dict {
    my %dictionary = map { chr $_ => chr $_ } 0 .. 255;
    return \%dictionary;

sub uncompress {
    my ($data) = @_;
    my @output;
    my $dict = init_dict();
    my $i = scalar keys %{$dict};
    my $l = 0;
    my $p = $data->[$l];
    my $s = $dict->{$p};
    my $c = substr $s, 0, 1;

    push @output, $s;

    while ($l < scalar @{$data} - 1) {
        my $n = $data->[++$l];
        if (!exists $dict->{$n}) {
            $s = "$dict->{$p}$c";
        } else {
            $s = $dict->{$n};
        push @output, $s;
        $c = substr $s, 0, 1;
        $dict->{++$i} = "$dict->{$p}$c";
        $p = $n;

    return join q{}, @output;

sub compress {
    my ($data) = @_;
    my @output;
    my $dict = init_dict();
    my $i = scalar keys %{$dict};
    my $l = 0;
    my $p = substr $data, $l, 1;

    while ($l < length $data) {
        my $c = substr $data, ++$l, 1;
        if (exists $dict->{"$p$c"}) {
            $p = "$p$c";
        } else {
            push @output, $dict->{$p};
            $dict->{"$p$c"} = ++$i;
            $p = $c;

    push @output, $dict->{$p};

    return \@output;

(Full code on Github.)

And here is Perl6 which is just a translation of the Perl5 code above.

sub init_dict {
    return (0 .. 255).map({ $_.chr => $_.chr});

sub uncompress(@data) {
    my @output;
    my %dict = init_dict();
    my $i = %dict.elems;
    my $l = 0;
    my $p = @data[$l];
    my $s = %dict{$p};
    my $c = $s.substr(0, 1);


    while $l < @data.elems - 1 {
        my $n = @data[++$l];
        if %dict{$n}:!exists {
            $s = "%dict{$p}$c";
        } else {
            $s = %dict{$n};
        $c = $s.substr(0, 1);
        %dict{++$i} = "%dict{$p}$c";
        $p = $n;

    return @output.join(q{});

sub compress(Str $data) {
    my @output;
    my %dict = init_dict();
    my $i = %dict.elems;
    my $l = 0;
    my $p = $data.substr($l, 1);

    while $l < $data.chars {
        my $c = $data.substr( ++$l, 1);
        if %dict{"$p$c"}:exists {
            $p = "$p$c";
        } else {
            %dict{"$p$c"} = ++$i;
            $p = $c;


    return @output;

(Full code on Github.)

One thing I wanted to do for both versions was to make them into proper command-line utils like the Unix compress and uncompress. To do this I would need some way of writing the output of my compress() function to disk in a form which could be read back in by uncompress(). I think the way to do that involves Perls' pack() and unpack() functions. But I discovered to my chagrin I have forgotten how they worked. (Or, come to think of it, did I ever know?) I made some small attempts but with the deadline approaching I gave up for now. It will be an interesting project to pursue at some later date.